Season of Preparation Day 3: God Is Able

“God calls us to represent him in this fallen world not because we are able but because he is.”

~Paul David Tripp

Ever wake up to the resounding belief you’ve made a what-was-I-thinking mistake and now you’re committed to continuing on with said mistake for another three weeks? Before my feet had even touched the floor, the wave of self doubt swept them out from under me and sent me into downward spiral of fear.

Yes, this morning I awoke to the enemy’s voice in my ear. And this blog is the reason why.

Who do you think you are that you would have anything worthwhile, meaningful, insightful, encouraging to say? he whispered.

Had I been left to my own deliberations on the answer to that question, the response wouldn’t have been affirming. But God didn’t leave me to answer the question for myself. When I opened up my book of devotions for Advent, the first thing I read was the quote above.

Not because I am able, but because he is.

The desire to share with you daily what God is showing me this Christmas season was one I believe God had put in my heart. But the exuberance I first felt quickly slipped into misgivings. What if my aha moments fall flat on those I share them with? What if my thoughts seem shallow and pointless?

I’m far more like Moses than I’d care to admit sometimes. I love the idea of the captives being freed, but the thought of leaving my wilderness hideout to be the one who faces Pharaoh . . . well that I don’t love near as much. And like Moses I have a long list of reasons why it shouldn’t–why it can’t–be me. Like Moses, I am not eloquent and I’m slow of speech (but in a writerly sort of way).

But like Moses, God wants me to understand my wilderness is a training ground, not a campground. There comes a point when it’s time to step out.

We are surrounded by a world filled with broken and hurting people, people for whom God calls us to be a Moses, stepping out of our wilderness to confront the enemy and demand freedom for God’s children.

Is my one small act of sharing with others about what God is doing in my life by writing this blog a blow to the enemy? Only God truly knows. All I know is my obedience is all he requires of me.

What if no one reads this? Or worse, what if they read it and don’t like it? What if they think it’s a waste of their time? Does that make it a waste of mine?

I don’t know what these next three weeks will be like, but I plan to be right here at the keyboard with God’s Word beside me and the joy of Christ’s birth in my heart . . . not because I am able but because he is.

This Christmas I want to answer God with the faith of Mary when he calls me to represent him to the fallen world around me.

How will you represent God this Christmas?

Today’s Passage Exodus 4:1-17




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    The Conversation

  1. Deena Adams says:

    Thank you for your faithfulness to what God asks of you, Lori .

  2. Liane says:

    Thank you for the reminder, Lori! I woke up this morning with very similar thoughts. I feel better already!

    • Lori Altebaumer says:

      I love how God can time unexpected things to come before us at just the right moment. And I really love how he can bring us unexpected friendships. You are a blessing to me.

  3. Donna Nabors says:

    A training ground not a campground. That speaks volumes. Thank you for your faithfulness.

    • Lori Altebaumer says:

      These days, I’m asking myself often if I’m willing to undergo the training or if I’d rather just hang out in my tent. I appreciate your commenting.