My Season of Preparation Day 2
God’s promises are sure and true. And in the birth of baby, we have proof that he keeps his promises. Nothing–in this world or out of it–can stop God’s promises or cause him to break even one.
He promises that his mercy endures forever (1 Chronicles 16:34). What kind of love is this that promises unending mercy? It’s a love so pure and perfect that my impure, imperfect human heart con’t fully grasp it And yet I trust it because God sealed this and all his promises with a gift of a baby one cold winter night.
The only promise greater than the one guaranteed to us by Christ’s birth is the one guaranteed by his death.
Who am I that Jesus Christ, my Savior and Redeemer, Lord of lords–the once new born babe who not only changed the world, but to saved it–would choose me for all of eternity? The one whom all things were created still came for me.
The undeserved favor of it all overwhelms me with the understanding I can never earn this. And even more humbling is that he hasn’t asked me to. Nor will he.
Jesus made the way. He paid the price.
Because God promised that he would.
It astounds me that the most awesome and wonderful of all promises began with a helpless infant in a lowly stable, proving once again that God can and does do great and mighty things through even the weakest and most fragile of beginnings.
I shall not despise small beginnings because even they carry the seeds of divine promises.
In this season of preparation I will remember God’s promises to me.
The Conversation
I love this!
Thank you Lotteice! I love it when God speaks to me of deeper truths and that he’s given me a way to share these things with others.